Movie4k Watch Online Avengers: Endgame
writed by: Jim Starlin
audience score: 705074 Vote
9 of 10 stars
runtime: 181minutes
Hakmarr c3 absit 3a loja e fundit pdf. None of this would've happend if Peter Quill didn't lose his mind. Infinity War Thanos: Sympathetic and misunderstood villain who thinks he's doing the universe a favor. Endgame Thanos: The Mad Titan. You know in my opinion thanos fought more tactically against Thor I.e dodged most of his hits and, used his attacks against him, I think this is because thanos knew thor had a chance to beat him had he hit him. Whos back exactly after a year of the release. Hakmarrësit: Loja e funding opportunities.
I've already seen it and this trailer still makes me excited. Help Me Reach 10,000 Subs. Subscribe To Epic English.
This was when the world witnessed the greatest cinematic scene ever
Iron-Man : J'ai l'impression que sa remonte a un millénaire, je me suis extirper de cette caverne, je suis devenu Iron-Man, je me suis rendu compte que je t'aimais, je sais que j'avais dit plus de surprise, mais j'espérais vraiment pouvoir t'en faire une dernière Natasha : le monde a tellement changer, ce qui est passé est passé, il faut faire du mieux qu'on peut, et parfois la meilleure solution c'est de tout recommencer Thor : j'ai vue tout ces gens mourir Captain America : je n'arrête pas de dire a tout le monde qu'il faut avancer, certains le font, mais pas nous Natasha : même si nous n'avons qu'une chance infime, notre devoir envers ceux qui ne sont plus parmis nous, c'est d'essayer Captain America : on va le faire, quel qu'en soit le pris (Nebula : ahhh) Hawkeye : quel qu'en soit le prix Natasha : quel qu'en soit le prix. Iron-Man : quel qu'en soit le prix Musique Thor : elle elle me plaît.
Ill watch this trailer 1,000 times Whatever it takes. Hakmarrje c3 absit 3a loja e fundit nga sporti. Damn I just wish that iron fist 👊 ⚡️ was in here.
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Hakmarrësit: Loja e fundation. Hakmarr c3 absit 3a loja e fundit lyrics. And from the ashes of the worlds We will avenge against Thanos. Ah, the modern version of Lubu vs Trio of Shu. Different era, different setting, same bad assery and might of warriors. Hakmarrësit: Loja e fundatia.
I love how in England people don't talk and clap in the cinema.
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0:32 quand mon ex revient me voir pour se remettre avec moi.
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La musique de ces films est magique😍❤️.
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Greatest scene in cinema history. End of story. 🙇♀️.
Nat: See you in a minute SO that was a frickin lie.
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Cap should've transformed into the clothes of Thor, this means that he now has powers.
I hate this hulk so much he supposed to be running faster than all of them but he running at human speed to me this hulk was always weaker than the 2003 hulk. Infinity war: whoevers it takes Endgame: whatever it takes. Hakmarr c3 absit 3a loja e fundit karaoke. Hakmarr c3 absit 3a loja e fundit reaction.
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